Marchtrenk lokasyonumuzda bulunan TGW Zwergennest ("Şirinlerin Yuvası") adını verdiğimiz çocuk bakım tesisinde, çalışanlarımızın çocuklarına (1 yaşından okul yaşına kadar) farklı yaş aralıklarına göre özel bakım hizmetleri sunuyoruz. Böylece "İnsanlara Odaklan - Öğren ve Kendini Geliştir" felsemiz ile uyum içerisinde bireysel gelişim ve özgürlüğe destek oluyoruz.
Kuzey Avusturya'da bulunan Pedagoji Üniversitesi ile işbirliğine girerek erken çocukluk dönemindeki eğitim üzerine birçok farklı yaklaşımları dikkate alan bir konsept geliştirdik. Bulundukları gruba bağlı olarak çocukların bakımı farklı bakıcılar tarafından üstlenilmektedir. Bu anlayış sayesinde her çocuğun kendi ihtiyacına ve gelişim aşamasına göre yeme, içme, uyku ve oyun düzenleri oluşturulur.
Zwergennest'in duygu hassasiyeti, ilişki temelli eğitim ve diyalog temelli yaklaşım adlı üç ilkesine göre çocukların hem ilişki odaklı hem de bağımsız bir şekilde oynamasını ve hareketlerini geliştirmesini sağlayan bir çocuk bakım felsefesine sahibiz.
Treating the children with sensitivity is critical to us. Paying attention to their verbal and nonverbal signals enables us to respond to them quickly. Appreciating and accepting the child's point of view in this process is of central importance to us. This creates an atmosphere in which kids and adults – and the children amongst themselves – can interact warmly and show respect and appreciation.
Children receive support from the teachers in their activities and in building self-esteem. For this to succeed, the teachers must observe with appreciation, recognise what the children's needs are and respond appropriately. A secure relationship is the basis for the children's self-directed learning.
The concept of the "TGW Zwergennest" is based on the image of the child a researcher and active agent in shaping their own identity. The task of adults is to have conversations with the children as equals, show appreciation for what they say and how they think and take them seriously. The collaboration with the parents is decisive, both in dialogue as partners and in everyday interaction.
The pedagogical concept incorporates various approaches to early childhood development. Everyday situations are seen as an opportunity for self-directed learning. Having three dedicated educational caregivers per group makes it possible to care for each child according to their needs and stages of development – play as well as eating, drinking and sleeping.
Pedagogical questions, questions about the operation of the facility and about enrolment:
TGW project management contact:
The TGW Zwergennest company childcare facility won the first prize at Felix Familia Award 2020. The Upper Austrian family award presents companies that promote the reconciliation of work and family with their innovative ideas. Of the many companies who applied for this award, TGW won the jury over thanks to its company childcare facility, called the TGW Zwergennest, and many other family-friendly initiatives.
Building on the success of the state award, TGW also won the Austrian Staatspreis Familie & Beruf, a nationwide award for the outstanding quality of family-friendly programs and policies and dedication to bringing work and family into harmony.